라벨이 언플인 게시물 표시

Luteolin is the most effective substance for maintaining good eye health.

Luteolin, a fluorescent substance found in plants, is a carotenoid that is abundant in green leaves. It is involved in the photosynthetic process and contributes to determining the color of green plants. Additionally, it has antioxidant properties that may reduce free radical damage in the human body and support eye health, making it an important part of the human diet. Table of Contents 1. What is Luteolin? 1-1. Luteolin has various functions and roles, what are they? 1-2. efficacy and mechanisms of action of luteolin 2. What is the recommended daily intake of lutein? 2-1. Foods high in luteolin 3. What nutrients are good to take with luteolin? 3-1. What are the positive health effects of luteolin? 3-2. Compared to other antioxidants, what are the advantages of luteolin? 1. What is Luteolin? Luteolin, which is classified as a type of phytochemical known as flavonoids, is primarily found in green plant leaves. It is responsible for contributing to the color of p...

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